The Earth Adorned (CD)
$9.99 + shipping
1. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee – HYMN TO JOY
2. The Earth Adorned in Verdant Robe – SOMMARPSALM
3. Joy to the World – ANTIOCH
4. We Praise You, O God (We Gather Together) – KREMSER
5. Oceans Rise, the Coastlands Tremble (God Alone Be Praised) – AD LUCEM
6. Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling – THOMPSON
7. Let All Things Now Living (Sent Forth by God’s Blessing) – THE ASH GROVE
Piano arrangements by John Helgen.
Performed by John Helgen and recorded at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Recording and mastering by Dave Michel at Orchard House
Media in Minneapolis. Art design by Daniel Pederson.
The piano score for The Earth Adorned may be purchased via Augsburg
Fortress at
©2023 John Helgen –